whispering and listening
while the wind first blows
where are we
while the mountains standstill there
where are we
the insects made the winds
the universes were formed
our earth fulfilling with attractive colors
whispering whispering whispering
listening listening listening
the callings of nature wakening us
we love being living here our charming planet
we love being here to feel the changings of the four seasons
we should learn how to survive
developing our skills
show our love to everyone all over this world
share our love to all the living things and the non- living things
let our soul feelfree to echo the voices of nature
whispering whispering whispering
listening listening listening
enjoying the fragrance of flowers
the fresh smell of the trees
the movements and the singing of the flying birds
the swimming fishes and the running animals
the beautiful scenes of sunset and sunrise
the wonderful colors of the sky...
the limit of our instinct never let us know
the secret of the infinite of the whole big big universes
but peace in mind made us happy
whispering whispering whispering
listening listening listening